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As a classic product series of Bioer Technology, LineGene series, LineGene 9600 Plus adopts customized long-life semiconductor cooling chips, high-precision optical filters, high-temperature-resistant professional optical fibers, and other high-precision cutting-edge components. It is equipped with a new global wide-voltage switch power supply, unique modular heat dissipation technology, and patented bottom detection technology, giving the product faster temperature ramp rates, better temperature control accuracy and uniformity, as well as stronger and more stable detection performance. The product fully meets the testing needs of various users in scientific research, clinical applications, and more, assisting users in achieving absolute quantifica tion/multiplex quantification analysis, qualitative analysis, SNP analysis, melt curve analysis, HRM analysis, and many other genetic testing.

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Fluorescence quantification is a powerful technique used in molecular biology to measure the amount of fluorescent signal emitted from a sample. It relies on the ability of certain molecules, such as fluorescent dyes or fluorescently labeled probes, to emit light of specific wavelengths when excited by a light source. This method enables the precise quantification of nucleic acids, proteins, and other biomolecules in a sample based on the intensity of fluorescence emitted. Fluorescence quantification is widely employed in various applications, including gene expression analysis, protein quantification, enzyme activity assays, and drug screening. Its high sensitivity, wide dynamic range, and versatility make it an indispensable tool in biomedical research, clinical diagnostics, and pharmaceutical development.

●Unique bottom scanning, excellent signal-to-noise ratio, high sensitivity, enabling trace detection.
●Utilizes encapsulated semiconductor cooling chips, significantly extending the component's lifespan.
● Equipped with 6 long-life LED excitation light sources, maintenance-free, with no cross-interference between channels.
●Professional optical fiber transmission, eliminating edge path differences, calibration-free.
● Ultra-high sensitivity PMT detector, coupled with a precise optical path system, achieving more accurate detection.
● Powerful software analysis capabilities with flexible program settings.

  1. Gene Expression Analysis
  2. Pathogen Detection
  3. Genetic Testing
  4. Environmental Monitoring
  5. Food Safety