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GeneTouch Plus is a meticulously crafted dual-module dual-gradient PCR instrument by Bioer. Building on all the advantages of GeneTouch, it incorporates a brand-new internal vacuum heat dissipation technology that efficiently dissipates heat and optimizes gradient temperature distribution. It not only provides top-notch temperature uniformity for PCR experiments but also ensures stability during gradient usage, guaranteeing accurate and reliable experimental results.

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GeneTouch Plus is a meticulously crafted dual-module dual-gradient PCR instrument by Bioer. Building on all the advantages of GeneTouch, it incorporates a brand-new internal vacuum heat dissipation technology that efficiently dissipates heat and optimizes gradient temperature distribution. It not only provides top-notch temperature uniformity for PCR experiments but also ensures stability during gradient usage, guaranteeing accurate and reliable experimental results.

●Dual modules, dual gradients, enabling gradient amplification experiments for multiple users and multiple sets.
●Internal vacuum heat dissipation technology, achieving efficient heat conduction with low-cost materials, providing higher cost-effectiveness.
● Full-color touchscreen operation, easy to learn and use.
● Accurate temperature control, stable results, good repeatability.