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This product is an improved and upgraded version based on the original LineGene 9600 Plus (FQD-96A) instrument. It continues to employ the bottom scanning method, effectively enhancing detection sensitivity. It utilizes a spatial optical path with six channels for simultaneous scanning, requiring only 7 seconds for all six channels, significantly saving operational time. Furthermore, the optical signal reception now employs PD (Photodiode) instead of PMT (Photomultiplier Tube).


Product Details FAQ Specification

This product is an improved and upgraded version based on the original LineGene 9600 Plus (FQD-96A) instrument. It continues to employ the bottom scanning method, effectively enhancing detection sensitivity. It utilizes a spatial optical path with six channels for simultaneous scanning, requiring only 7 seconds for all six channels, significantly saving operational time. Furthermore, the optical signal reception now employs PD (Photodiode) instead of PMT (Photomultiplier Tube).

The thermal cycling components largely follow the technology of the 96 PLUS, still using a heat pipe heat sink, but with improvements to the thermoelectric (TE) element, increasing the edge area and power output. The movement mechanism of the thermal lid component follows the electric lifting and pressing method of the 96 PLUS, but has been structurally simplified.

The device features a built-in 10.1-inch touchscreen, offering a high cost-performance ratio. Temperature performance has been optimized.

● Simultaneous scanning of all channels: Multiple conventional excitation and detection channels compatible with most fluorescent dyes and probes.
● Utilizes an LED+PD combination for cost-effectiveness:Scanning of all 96 wells in 7 seconds across 6 channels, with high efficiency and no fluorescent edge effects.
● Diverse operation modes: Standalone operation and Network operation.
● Precise and high-performance temperature control system.
● Improves temperature uniformity, accuracy, and ramping rates, reducing experiment duration.
● Automatic lid opening and closing function.
● Reserved interface for later integration into a fully automated nucleic acid testing workstation for PCR plate loading.