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Group B streptococcus (GBS) commonly appears in up to 35% of healthy women's reproductive or gastrointestinal tracts. Pregnant women colonized with GBS can transmit the bacteria to their newborns at the time of birth. This infection can lead to neonatal sepsis and/or meningitis. Thus, it is essential to screen and understand the clinical presentations and treatments for GBS infections.

The detection kit offers high sensitivity and specificity, ensuring reliable results with minimal cross-reactivity. It is easy to use and provides fast turnaround time, making it ideal for clinical laboratories to screen high-risk populations and prevent complications related to GBS infections.

Product Details FAQ Specification Instructions

Group B Streptococcus Nucleic Acid Detection Kit (Fluorescent PCR) is based onin vitro Real time PCR combining fluorescent probing. Primers and asequence-specific fluorescence probe were designed tailored to CAMP gene of Group B Streptococcus. The probe of Group B Streptococcus is oligo nucleotide attached fluorophores at the 5' end with FAM as reporter and 3’end with quencherIn a meantime, specific primers and probe on basis of  human RNase P were developed as internal reference with fluorophores CY5 attached at 5’end asreporter. During the PCR procedures, the DNA polymerase cleaves the probe atthe 5 ’end and separates the reporter dye from the quencher dye when the probe hybridizes to the target DNA. This cleavage results in the fluorescent signal generated by the cleaved reporter dye, which is monitored real-time by the PCR detection system. Monitoring the fluorescence intensities during Real Time allows the qualitative detection of Group B Streptococcus in specimens.

Fast and Stable: One-step PCR can be used for rapid qualitative detection of 96 samples within 1h.

Strong Specificity: No cross reaction with many common pathogens with the same infection site or similar infection symptoms, such as Streptococcus pneumoniae, Streptococcus pyogenes, Staphylococcus aureus, cytomegalovirus, etc.

Anti-contamination System: UDG enzyme and dUTP to fully degrade possible contamination and avoid false positive results.

Internal Control Included: Human RNase P gene acted as a non-competitive internal control monitor the entire extraction and detection process, ensuring reliability and quality of the results.

Group B Streptococcus test

-25℃ ~ -15℃ away from light

Cat# Product Name Packing size
BSJ07S1 Group B Streptococcus Nucleic Acid Detection Kit (Fluorescent PCR) 24T
BSJ07M1 Group B Streptococcus Nucleic Acid Detection Kit (Fluorescent PCR) 48T
BSJ07L1 Group B Streptococcus Nucleic Acid Detection Kit (Fluorescent PCR) 96T